Coming soon: Animated series on freedom fighters | Hindi Movie News
The Information and Broadcasting Minister, Anurag Singh Thakur, released the trailer of the anime series “Bharat hain hum” on Wednesday. The series is expected to be launched on streaming platforms such as Prime Video and Netflix. The series is part of the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav celebrations and aims to highlight the unsung heroes of India’s freedom struggle. It is produced by Munjal Shroff and Tilak Shetty and includes a 26-episode series with an 11-minute animated story. The series features heroes like Rani Abbakka, Tilka Manjhi, Tirot Singh, Pyar Ali, Tatya Tope, Kotwal Dhan Singh, Kunwar Singh, Rani Chennamma, and Tikendra Jeet Singh. Prime Minister Anurag Singh Thakur expressed gratitude to these unsung heroes and emphasized the need to recognize and appreciate their contributions. The co-creators of the series, Munjal Shroff and Tilak Shetty, stated that animation is the perfect medium to bring these stories to life and make them accessible to children. The series is scheduled to premiere on Doordarshan, Prime Video, and Netflix on October 15, in multiple languages. The I&B Secretary Apurva Chandra and representatives of the streaming platforms were also present at the event.