“You can only make so many good superhero movies.”
Gwyneth Paltrow shares her thoughts on Hollywood’s move toward superhero movies, saying, “You can only make so many good movies” within the genre.
The artist appeared in the last episode of the series Hot, in which host Shaun Evans brought up a point made by Cord Jefferson during his recent speech at the Oscars. While receiving the Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay, American fantasy The director issued a plea to industry leaders, saying: “Instead of making one $200 million film, try making 20 films worth $10 million.”
“I completely understand where he’s coming from,” Paltrow said in response. “You want the best chance of getting a strong return on investment. People invest a lot of money in these things and they want them to be profitable. But I think if you look at the industry as a whole, this big push toward superhero movies… you can’t help but Producing so many good movies that feel truly original, yet they’re still always trying to reach as many people as possible, which sometimes gets in the way of quality, specificity, or true point of view.
Although Paltrow’s most famous role was as Pepper Potts in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he initially starred opposite Robert Downey Jr. in 2008. Iron ManShe actually rose to fame in the 1990s thanks to her roles in films like The Talented Mr. Ripley And Shakespeare in loveThe latter won an Oscar.
“I grew up doing these (mid-budget) films and I sometimes feel bad because I look at some of the films I made in the 90s and think this wouldn’t get made now,” she added. “You get more diversity in art when there’s less risk and people can, kind of, express their true voice and make a movie the way they want to. And I think those are the ones that resonate the most overall.”
The actress also starred in two other independent films Iron Man In addition to other Marvel projects, but her last appearance as Pepper Potts was in 2019 Avengers: Endgame.
Paltrow joins a growing list of actors, including Paul Dano and Taika Waititi, who have spoken candidly about the superhero fatigue that has hit the film industry in recent years.
Dano said earlier this month The Independent that he felt that “quantity over quality” played a role in Marvel and DC Studios’ box office failures last year.
“It’s an interesting moment where everyone has to say: OK, now what?” “Hopefully from this, someone will breathe new life into (comic book movies), or something else that’s not superheroes will flourish,” he said at the time. “I’m sure there’s still some good things to come, but I think it’s kind of a welcome moment.”
the astronaut “It’s something bigger too,” the actor continued. As soon as the word “content” came into play in what we do — making movies or TV — it meant quantity more than quality, which I think was a big mistake. And I certainly don’t need that as a viewer or as an artist.