The problem is with Hollywood’s strategy
This position is shared by many creative people working in the media field who have begun to predict a future in which advanced technology could very realistically violate their rights. Notably, concerns about the potential for AI takeover were at the forefront of the controversy that brought Hollywood to a standstill for nearly half of 2023 during the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes. Among other demands they were fighting for during the strike, the writers were keen to ask for certain guarantees (preventing artificial intelligence from writing or rewriting literary materials, not allowing the use of artificial intelligence as source material, and prohibiting the use of materials covered by the agreement as source material). (Source for AI Training) said that the studios would limit the access of AI in their content, and after a five-month stalemate, the two sides reached an agreement, including a set of specific terms under which AI could not interfere with their work. On camera, SAG-AFTRA members chose to strike for their own issues, which also included concerns about artificial intelligence entering their territory. (A deal was eventually reached, but not everyone in the federation was happy with the agreement’s verbiage; some felt the terms left too much room for the AI to get around.)