Web Series

Ashi Dua: Producer Ashi Dua calls her series BGDC ‘like kissing young girls in our country’ | exclusive

In an exclusive chat with Zoom, the co-producer of the upcoming Amazon Prime Video series talked about how the show will capture the authentic boarding house experience in India.

Producer Ashi Dua calls her series BGDC ‘like kissing young girls in our country’ | exclusive

The first teaser #BGDC (which stands for Big Girls Don’t Cry) was published by Amazon Prime Video. The series, created by Nitya Mehra and co-produced by Ashi Dua and Karan Kapadia, will revolve around the strong bonds of sisterhood formed between young women who meet in a fictional boarding school. actor #BGDC Includes Pooja Bhatt, Zoya Hussain, Lovleen Misra, Mukul Chadda, Raima Sen, Dalai, Tenzin Lhakyila, Avantika Vandanapu, Aneet Padda, Akshita Sood, Afrah Sayed and Vidushi.

Ashi Dua on why #BGDC is real and authentic

Dua, who is known as the producer of anthology projects LUst Stories, Ghost stories, Paava Kadhaigal, Ankahi is a kanhan and Passion stories 2revealed how #BGDC It was a joint effort between him, Karan Kapadia, Nithya Mehra and Sudanshu Sariya. In an interview with Zoom, she shared, “We all went to boarding schools. I went to Nainital, Karan went to Lawrence. [School]Sudanshu went to Dun’s school. [and] Nitya went to Welham. So, as boarding kids, we wanted to do a show that tells the story of real, authentic boarding school life in India. Stereotypically, there are a lot of boy shows about hostels. But there aren’t many girls’ shows, so we wanted to do a girls’ boarding school show.”

He also added, “It’s something we’ve all lived through. We’ve all felt some incident or the other happened to one of us. It’s something very close to us because we were in school, there were these characters, there were these people, there were these stories. It These elements of our personal lives are drawn from, but of course the show is fictional.”