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Macy’s, Anatomy of a Fallen Dog, and Oscars Plans Revealed

Women in Music 2024 panel

Devastating news for dog lovers: Missy, the Border Collie who stole the scene from the Best Picture nominee Anatomy of a fall The unexpected star of the 2024 Oscars campaign season will not be returning to Los Angeles for the Oscars on Sunday.

Although Academy representatives would not comment, a source in the film distributed by Neon says the French pup’s recent stay in Hollywood, during which he overwhelmed every human actor at the annual nominees luncheon, was a one-off. This means that those stars who have not met Messi will only have to book a part in one of his future projects.

“All this interest started in Cannes,” said trainer and dog mother Laura Martin. Hollywood Reporter In February, via translator Frederick Cassidy. It was where Anatomy of a fall She began her career on the awards circuit, where she won the Palme d’Or, and where Messi received his unofficial award – the Palm Dog. Martin continued: “There were some interviews in France, but what we saw here in America – with the interest in this dog and its representation – was beyond anything we expected. This is probably the maximum you can achieve in this field.

Perhaps it was the nature of his role in director Justine Tritt’s legal thriller, which circumvented the usual canine shenanigans seen in Oscar bait (no offense, Auggie, rest in peace!) for a ripping, emotional performance, that made Macy this year’s favorite. And although his recent visit to the City of Angels was short – Messi lives with Martin in Paris – he made the most of it. Throughout the whirlwind trip, Macy paid his dues by participating in a press outing and posing for photos with Olivia Wilde at a live reading of the book. Anatomy of a fall scenario and enjoyed a rest day on Venice Beach where he praised it Baywatch. Footage of Messi directing David Hasselhoff can be found on Martin’s Instagram page.

But the highlight was the Oscars nominees luncheon, where a widely circulated clip showed Ryan Gosling fawning over Missy’s charisma to the crowd. “The big moment was with Billie Eilish, who linked up with Messi for about 10 minutes,” Martin said. “They were hugging and petting and had a really great vibe. Then Bradley Cooper bumped into him in the hallway. The dog went straight to him, so they also had a connection.”

It must be admitted that not everyone was happy with Messi’s presence. After all, being a dog, he wasn’t technically a candidate. Several companies with films nominated for the Academy complained about being allowed to attend the event Anatomy of a fall An advantage during the voting window, according to a source familiar with the complaints.

This is awards season. Even man’s best friend is not safe from politics and petty grievances.

But animals have a long history at the Oscars. Auggie, the late Parson Russell Terrier who starred opposite Jean Dujardin the artistwere on stage when their film won Best Picture in 2012. And while they were at it Panchayat Incherin Jenny Donkey was not in attendance in 2023, and a lookalike joined host Jimmy Kimmel on stage for a time. At the time, Kimmel suggested that it may not have been wise to fly the horses out of Ireland for such a short period.

Kimmel was similarly skeptical about international travel for animals when asked about Missy’s inclusion in this year’s telecast during a larger conversation a few weeks ago. “It’s hard to outrun a donkey,” Kimmel said. THR. “In fact, the most notable thing the dog did was overdose on drugs and eat vomit. I don’t know if the Oscars have any appetite for that or not.