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Jake Gyllenhaal’s reaction to Doug Liman’s boycott of ‘Roadhouse’

Jake Gyllenhaal has commented on Doug Liman’s decision to boycott the premiere of a remake of the 1989 action film. Roadhouse.

Liman is declining to attend the film’s world premiere on March 8 at the South By Southwest Film & TV Festival next month because the film’s studio, Amazon MGM Studios, will release it. Roadhouse On Prime Video without a theatrical release. Gyllenhaal stars in the film as Elwood Dalton, a bouncer who takes a job at a rowdy bar in Florida.

In an interview with Comprehensive movieGyllenhaal was diplomatic about the situation, saying: “I adore Doug’s assertiveness, and I think he stands up for filmmakers, for cinema in cinema, for theatrical releases. But I mean Amazon has always been clear that they’re streaming. I just want as many people to see it as possible. And I think we We live in a world that’s changing how we see and watch movies, and how we make them. What was clear to me, and what I loved so much, was Liman’s deep love for this movie, his pride in how interesting it was, how good it felt, and how much people should see it.

He added: “I’ve also sat watching a movie on my computer, or in different places, and been very moved. If the function of the story is to move people, I’ve been moved in both forms. I’m a huge lover of cinema and the theatrical release – but I’m also really embracing the streaming world.” .

However, Gyllenhaal’s co-star, mixed martial arts fighter Conor McGregor, who makes his debut in the film, was a bit more frank: “I would like it to be in theaters. I’m for the theater. I understand the business too… I would like to make a phone call to (Amazon founder) Jeff Bezos.

Lehman previously explained his position on matters, so he continued writing Delivery time“The movie is great, probably my favorite, and I’m sure it will bring down the house and probably have the audience dancing in their seats during the end credits. But I won’t be there. My plan was to silently protest Amazon’s decision to stream a movie that was clearly made for the big screen. But Amazon “You are in much more pain than just me and my film.”

Liman claimed that Amazon made it seem like the film could end up in theaters, and the film tested through the roof with audiences — even higher than its counterpart. Bourne identity. “Amazon asked me and the film community to trust them and their public statements about supporting movie theaters,” Lehman wrote, “and then they turned around and used… Road house To sell plumbing fixtures. This hurts film makers and stars Road house Who do not participate in the positive side of the successful film on the streaming platform. And they’re depriving Jake Gyllenhaal – who is giving the best performance of his career – the opportunity to be recognized this awards season. But the impact goes far beyond this one film. This could shape the industry for decades to come. If we don’t put tentpole films in cinemas, there will be no cinemas in the future.

However, the situation is said to be a bit more complicated, with at least one report stating that Liman was originally offered the chance to produce the film for $60 million with a theatrical release, and instead agreed to an $85 million budget on the condition that it go exclusively to streaming. Direct. .

Roadhouse It will be released on Prime Video on March 21.