Hollywood news

Hollywood Beach Faces Challenges with High Tides: $48 Million Coastal Resilience Project Underway

High tides have begun impacting Hollywood Beach, prompting a major $48 million Coastal Resilience Project aimed at mitigating flooding. The first significant high tides of the season hit Monday morning, and local efforts are focused on managing the impact.

Jake Rivett, a longtime Hollywood resident, is no stranger to high tides and street flooding each fall. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing the saltwater, advising residents to rinse their vehicles to avoid damage. “You just have to be smart and aware of what you’re going through,” Rivett said.

Robin Woods understands the severe consequences of tidal waves firsthand. Her son’s car was wrecked after driving through high tides, which caused a piston to explode, puncturing the engine and totaling the vehicle.

The Coastal Resilience Project, starting this week, includes upgrades to roads in southern Hollywood Beach, the addition of new storm drains, and the construction of pumping stations designed to expedite water discharge. Sarita Shamah, director of the Hollywood Project, notes that while these improvements are necessary, they are a temporary solution. “We have seen these conditions worsen over the past few years,” Shamah said. “The situation will get worse over time, and sea levels will continue to rise.”

Local resident Grace Moore has observed worsening conditions over the years. “Year after year, the situation has gotten worse. And in the last five years in particular, I have noticed it a lot,” she said.

Brian McNoldy, a senior research assistant at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School, confirms this trend. “The trend is definitely upward because of sea level rise,” McNoldy said. “Areas that were slightly flooded 15 years ago are now experiencing more significant flooding, and this trend will likely continue.”

Upcoming Royal Tides are expected on the following dates:

  • September 16-23
  • October 14-22
  • October 30 – November 3
  • November 12-19
  • December 13-15

Ted Scotten

Emmy Award-winning journalist Ted Scotten has been a prominent figure in international storytelling with a significant impact on South Florida since 1998.